
Velontra Gathers Speed

Velontra is accelerating and catching attention. We are excited to be featured in numerous articles and websites including Yahoo Finance and Market Watch. Velontra is developing attritable hypersonic technology more time and cost effectively than ever. As a VOSB we are warfighter owned, warfighter operated, and developing technology for fellow warfighters.  

Speed is Security

The old military adage holds true in the modern age. Russian and Chinese advances in hypersonics have created a standoff option for denial of U.S. assets. However, the good news is the counter to speed is more speed. Speed of weapons and possibly, more importantly, the speed of development will ensure the U.S. maintains technological …

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Small but Deadly

A swarm of unmanned, possibly hypersonic munitions will be a key component of the long range precision fire program. This will produce powerful tools for the Army and Marine Corps. This approach of using smaller non traditional contracts to innovate a … swarm … of possible prototypes is an excellent way to incentive novel ideas. …

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Seeing is Believing!!!

Ya don’t have to be a veteran to know it’s mighty hard to hit what you can’t see. This contract will help ensure that hypersonic threats can be detected and effectively eliminated. The prototype development of these interceptors is an excellent space for @NorthrupGrumman and @L3Harris to partner with Velontra and other agile technology development …

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Hypersonic Rebirth is Evolution not Revolution.

Hypersonic technology has existed at least since the first space satellite reentered earth’s atmosphere. It’s interest and applications has ebbed and flowed over the decades. However, with modern analytical and manufacturing techniques like 3D printing, prototypes can be made F.A.S.T., attritable, and mass efficient. VOSB’s like Velontra are an important part of this aerospace progress. …

Hypersonic Rebirth is Evolution not Revolution. Read More »